Editorial Board


Prof. Dr. Mahdi Inaayah Kareem al-Utbi

Dept. of English, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq

 Managing editor:


Dept. of French, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq

 Editorial Board:

 Prof. Dr. Basil Hatim  

American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

Prof. Dr. Bochina Tatiana Gennadevna Tatyana

Kazan (Volga region) Federal University

Prof. Dr. Larisa Viktorovna  Ratsiburskaya

National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny  Novgorod, Russia

Prof. Dr. Marie F. Lomonnier 

University of Picardie Jules Verne, France

Prof.Dr. Yaseen Hamza abbas

University of Baghdad, Republic of Iraq 

Prof. Dr. Nazir Temur

Gazi University, Turkey

Prof. Bahaa A. Abood

University of Baghdad, Republic of Iraq

Asst.Prof.Dr.Abbas Dawi yousuf

 University of Baghdad, Republic of Iraq

Asst. Prof. Dr.  Tagrid A. Z. Abod

University of Baghdad, Republic of Iraq

Asst. Prof. Dr.  Hamid M. Hamad

University of Baghdad, Republic of Iraq

Asst. Prof. Mohammed H. Mhesen

University of Baghdad, Republic of Iraq

Asst. Prof. Maysoon Rzoogi

University of Baghdad, Republic of Iraq

Inst. Dr. Widaad Jasim Mohammed

University of Baghdad, Republic of Iraq