Hıdır Lütfü ile Osman Mazlum’un ‘’Tali’im’’ Şiirlerinin Tahlili
Pessimism, Khidir Lütfi, Othman Mathloom, Taliim.Abstract
Turkman literature is regarded as a branch of the general Turkish literarure. The title Turman literature began to be used after 1918, and this remained under the influence of classical Turkishliterature till the beginning of the twentieth century. The best poets who repreesented this type are Hijri Dada, Khidir Lütfi, Mohammad Sadiq, Othman Mathloom and others…
In this study I followed the method of Professor Doctor Mohammad Kaplan (Ph.D) and Professor Doctor Nurullah Çetin(Ph.D) in analysing the poetical design. In this study I tried to analyse the poem entitled Taliim (My Fate) by the poet Khidir Lütfi and the poet Othman mathloom who wrote a poem with the sam title. It is difficult to pass judgements against our poets and accuse them of pessimism because their poems are in large number and they are in various types. They are educated poets and thinkers and we cannot neglect the hope and optimism that accompany the aspects of pessimism in their poems.
If we carefully look at the literary fekts of the Turkman poets before 1818 we find that they tackled many various subjects in their poems.However the phenomenon of pessimism in Turkman poets cam as a resulf of the political and social conditions and the intellectual limitations imposed on them. Therefore, fınding this pessimism attitude cam as a reaction to the unjust politıcal condition whichdenied them their cultural, social and political rights. So, the Turkman poets expressed the tragedy their nation in a mtaphoric way in their pessimistic poems.