Images of Woman, She-Camel and Horse and Their Manifestations in Tarafah-ibnulAbd's Poetry between Symbolic Reference and Poetic Function


  • Saeed Hasoon Hussein University of Baghdad - College of Languages, Department of Arabic


This paper tries to understand the poetic reference in the images of woman, she-camel, horse and their manifestations in Tarafah-ibnulAbd's poetry. There has got my attention the fact that these three images have their own distinct taste which is characterised by a clear rhythm, let alone the  lively nature that is filled with liveliness and activity to be in harmony with the poet's youth. For these three images represented the best manifestations of his psychological and artistic poetics. The paper adopts an artistic analysis to arrive at the psychological aspects of these experiences-the woman, the she-camel, and the horse- and to understand the functions of their images and symbolic reference.

Author Biography

  • Saeed Hasoon Hussein, University of Baghdad - College of Languages, Department of Arabic

    أ.م.د سعيد حسون حسين تخصص : أدب عربي قديم.   مواليد 1952م , بكالوريوس في فلسفة اللغة العربية وآدابها  1974 م ماجستير أدب عباسي 1988 م ,دكتوراه أدب عربي قديم  1999 م

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Department of Russian Language

How to Cite

Images of Woman, She-Camel and Horse and Their Manifestations in Tarafah-ibnulAbd’s Poetry between Symbolic Reference and Poetic Function. (2018). Journal of the College of Languages (JCL), 37, 28-58.

Publication Dates