العصر الفضي والاتجاهات الجديدة التي ظهرت في بداية القرن


  • Hadeel Ismail Khalil جامعة بغداد / كلية اللغات / قسم اللغة الروسية



    The end of century, the beginning of the twentieth, has been called the silver age. At that time, a great group of well-known writers and poets, whose names remained shining in the Russian and literature, have appeared. They are Akhmatova, Gomeliove, Blook, Maikovcki, and others whose productions have come to light at crucial time of the Russian history. The silver age started at the beginning of 1892 and ended with the revolution of October and the World War I. Specifically at this time, in Russia, due to the domination of Feudalism for long time and as a result to the inability of the Nobel Class to make the required reformations and the slowness of the governed royal regime, who did not want to relinquish the throne, social and political strain has started. All these reasons create the feeling at the looked forward youth of the imminence solution for the crisis. The youth had the feeling that the world was upside down, accordingly, they had the ambition to know the reasons behind this conflict and find out the way to recovery of Russia.

    This ambition has affected the Russian literature generated a new tendency – Modernity. This new tendency, in its turn, has been classified into three trends: Symbolism, Climax, and Futurism. The Symbolic poets are Brousove, Meirshcovski, Kaypoose, the beginning of Blook and Bilmone. The Symbolic poets reflected their ideas and their special point of views by the support of the foggy and vague pictures and incomplete signs. The climax poets like Gomiliove, Akhmatova, Mandelshatman, and Gourdetski have expressed their feelings by poems describing the material world and the feeling in a romantic way.

    The futurists had an absolute refusal to the plea of building the future. Maykovsky, Khelbinkova, Sefairyanen, and Kamenski belong to this tendency of poetry. The modernist poets who belonged to all the above mentioned trends tried to create poetry that aim to impresses the development of the human spirit. 







قسم اللغة الروسية

كيفية الاقتباس

العصر الفضي والاتجاهات الجديدة التي ظهرت في بداية القرن. (2011). مجلة كلية اللغات, 23, 39-53. https://jcolang.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/JCL/article/view/351

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