Review Guidelines
JCL looks with an eye of high appreciation at the efforts offered by reviewers in reviewing its articles. At any rate, a reviewer should take care of the following:
- If the paper is not of your interest or specialty, please inform the editor-in –chief, and feel free to refuse to review it.
- If no enough time is available for you before the review-completion deadline, please inform the editor-in –chief.
- If any form of conflict of interest exists, please inform the editor-in –chief.
- If it happens and you know the author(s), kindly notify the editor-in-chief.
- The review should be prepared confidentially; no contact6 with the author(s) should be made.
- If any doubt occurs to you in relevance to the originality of the paper, kindly notify the editor-in-chief.
- The review report should be prepared in reference to certain criteria included in the review form.
- Comments, directed either to both the author(s) and editor, or to the editor only may be written on the manuscript itself or on the review form.
- Having completely reviewed the article, one of the following the decisions should be made:
- Accepted as such
- Accepted along with making some modifications
- Should be revised and resubmitted
- Rejected
way, peer reviewers will be given the chance of writing comments and notes directed either to both the author(s) and editor, or to the editor only.
Blind Peer-Review
In order to make sure of the peer-review process, the authors' identities should never be revealed to reviewers, and vice-versa. Such a procedure has to take care of the fact that editors and authors as well as reviewers should check for the implementation of the following steps as to the text and file final form:
Authors have to have their names removed from the text by writing 'Author' followed by year to stand in references and footnotes for the author's name and the title of the article. In Microsoft Office documents, author identity should also be removed from the file properties (see under File in Word), by clicking on the following, beginning with File on the main menu of the Microsoft application: File > Save As > Tools (or Options with a Mac) > Security > Remove personal information from file properties on save > Save.
as for PDFs, the authors' names should also be removed from Document Properties which is found under File on Adobe Acrobat's main menu.
Default Review Deadlines
Defaults can be modified for each review during the editorial process.
1 Week allowed for accepting or declining a review request
4 Weeks allowed for completing the review
Positive aspects of Peer-reviews:
1- They set the basis of the validity of investigation in dependence upon the reviewer's knowledge and expertise of different specialists in the order, consequently averting adulterated work from being acknowledged within an area of study.
2- Give appropriate criticism so that scholars will be able to revise and strengthen their papers before publication.
3- Make the editorial board able to select the most significant results and findings to be published in their journals.
4- They are comprehended and acknowledged by the majority of researchers. The reviewers will be given utmost priority to reflect the appraisals of a research work and to extract the potentialities of the researcher.