Methods of computer word formation in the modern Russian language

Способы словообразования в сфере компьютерных неологизмов в современном русском языке


  • Liqaa Adel Abbas MA. Candidate
  • Taleb Ibrahim Humud University of Baghdad, College of Languages, Department of Russian Language, Baghdad,Iraq



computer; terminology; word formation methods; neologism; Russian language; Arabic language., -компьютер; терминология; способы словообразования; неологизм; русский язык; арабский язык.


This paper discusses the study of computer Russian language neologisms. Problems of studying computer terminology are constantly aggravated by the processes of computer technology that is introduced to all walks of life. The study identifies ways of word formation: the origin of the computer terms and the possibility of their usage in Russian language. The Internet is considered a worldwide tool of communication used extensively by students, housewives and professionals as well The Internet is a heterogeneous environment consisting of various hardware and software configurations that need to be configured to support the languages used. The development of Internet content and services is essential for expanding Internet usage. Some of these improvements include the ability to support multiple languages and provide tools for creating and using multilingual content.


Данная  работа посвящена  исследованию неологизмов компьютерной лексики в русском языке. Проблемы изучения компьютерной терминологии постоянно усугубляются процессами проникновения компьютерной техники практически во все сферы деятельности общества.. Мы постараемся выделять способы словообразования: описать компьютерные лексемы по происхождению и возможности  адаптации в русском языке .



Author Biographies

  • Liqaa Adel Abbas, MA. Candidate
    E-mail:- [email protected]


  • Taleb Ibrahim Humud, University of Baghdad, College of Languages, Department of Russian Language, Baghdad,Iraq

    Talib Ibrahim Hammud, University of Baghdad, College of Languages , Department of Russian Language, Baghdad, Iraq Specialization: Russian language and literature / grammar / Russian Federation Academic Rank: Professor/University of Baghdad/College of Languages I studied the following subjects: Linguistics, grammar, translation, conversation, composition, research methodology, dictation, voice and reading in primary studies, while postgraduate contemporary Russian language, language history, and research methodology.Supervised more than 25 messages Participated in many committees to discuss messages and translation projects between chair and membership I worked as an expert in the Ethics and Education Committee to test the validity of teaching. I have many research published in Russian and Arabic and many scientific articles. Research Projects in Felid of Specialization to  Environment and Society or the Development of Education.

    E-mail:- talebt6756 @



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Department of Russian Language

How to Cite

Methods of computer word formation in the modern Russian language: Способы словообразования в сфере компьютерных неологизмов в современном русском языке. (2021). Journal of the College of Languages (JCL), 43, 160-185.

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