A Feminist Discourse Analysis of Writer's Gender Biases about Violence Against Women


  • Dhafar Jamal Fadhil MA. Candidate
  • May Stephan Rezq Allah University of Baghdad,College of Languages , Department of English Language, Baghdad, Iraq




gender, prejudice, bias, Feminism, CDA


    The present study is concerned with the writer's ideologies towards violence against women. The study focuses on analyzing violence against women in English novel to see the extent the writers are being affected and influenced by their genders. It also focuses on showing to what extent the writer's ideologies are reflected in their works. Gender influences social groups ideologies; therefore, when a writer discusses an issue that concerns the other gender, they will be either subjective or objective depending on the degree of influence, i.e., gender has influenced their thoughts as well as behaviors. A single fact may be presented differently by different writers depending on the range of affectedness by ideologies. The study aims to uncover the hidden gender-based ideologies by analyzing the discursive structure of a novel based on Van Dijk's model (2000) of ideology and racism. The selected novel is based on discussing violence against women. The study will later on reveal the real writer’s gender-based ideologies and whether the writer is a feminist or an anti-feminist? Or Is he prejudiced? Or Is he biased?

Author Biographies

  • Dhafar Jamal Fadhil, MA. Candidate
  • May Stephan Rezq Allah, University of Baghdad,College of Languages , Department of English Language, Baghdad, Iraq

    May Stephan Rezq Allah is an assist. Prof. at the University of Baghdad- College of Languages – English Department. She has been teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students since 1987. she teaches phonetics, phonology as well as composition writing for undergraduate, and socio-linguistics, applied linguistics and phonology for postgraduate students. She was the head of English Department 2010-2012 and the former dean of the college of languages.

     E-mail: [email protected]


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- نظرة للدراسات النسوية (كاتب الدليل هند محمود - شيماء طنطاوي)،تحرير (مزن حسن - أمل المهندس)،المراجعة اللغوية ( أحمد الدريني) مارس ٢٠١٦.






Department of English language

How to Cite

A Feminist Discourse Analysis of Writer’s Gender Biases about Violence Against Women. (2021). Journal of the College of Languages (JCL), 44, 21-45. https://doi.org/10.36586/jcl.2.2021.0.44.0021

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