National – cultural specificity of phraseological units

Национально - культурная специфика фразеологизмов


  • Jasim Talib Mutashar MA. Candidate
  • Talib Ibrahim Hammud University of Baghdad, College of Languages ,Department of Russian Language, Baghdad, Iraq



culturally specific features of phraseological units, Non-equivalent language components, culturally distinctive component, prototype., национально-культурная специфика ФЕ. безэквивалентные ФЕ, культурно - маркированный ком-понент, прототип.,


        The present article studies the specific cultural features contained in phraseological units. The problem is approached through three different levels:

  1. The modern linguistic meaning.
  2. Lexical components of phraseological units.
  3. The first variables of linguistic units.

  The paper emphasizes the gradual process of the cultural charge in the semantic structure of phraseological units.      

       Наша Статья посвящена вопросам анализа национ-ально - культурной специфики ФЕ . Это проблема рассмат-ривается на трех уровнях:

1) в совркупном фразеологич-еском значении, 2) в значении отдельных лексических компонентов ФЕ, 3)  в значении переменного прототипа ФЕ.

Мы здесь подчеркиваем , что градуальный характер проявления национально – специфичной информации, закодированной в значени Фразеологизмов.                                                 

Author Biographies

  • Jasim Talib Mutashar, MA. Candidate

    Jasim Talep Mtashar: born in 1987 in Diyala and in 2005 entered the Faculty of Languages of the University of Baghdad, the Department of Russian, and in 2012 graduated from the Faculty of Languages and entered the magistracy for the academic year 2018.

    [email protected]

  • Talib Ibrahim Hammud, University of Baghdad, College of Languages ,Department of Russian Language, Baghdad, Iraq
    Specialization: Russian language and literature / grammar / Russian Federation Academic Rank: Professor/University of Baghdad/College of Languages I studied the following subjects: Linguistics, grammar, translation, conversation, composition, research methodology, dictation, voice and reading in primary studies, while postgraduate contemporary Russian language, language history, and research methodology.Supervised more than 25 messages Participated in many committees to discuss messages and translation projects between chair and membership I worked as an expert in the Ethics and Education Committee to test the validity of teaching. I have many research published in Russian and Arabic and many scientific articles. Research Projects in Felid of Specialization to  Environment and Society or the Development of Education.

     [email protected]


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Department of Russian Language

How to Cite

National – cultural specificity of phraseological units: Национально - культурная специфика фразеологизмов. (2021). Journal of the College of Languages (JCL), 44, 224-233.

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