Translating Emotions in Dracula's Horror Fiction into Arabic: A Cognitive Appraisal
cognition, emotions, effects, translationAbstract
This paper aims to add to the growing body of cognitive translation studies that deal with the translation of emotions and the factors of evaluating the translation process-oriented. Cognitive appraisal is one of the tokens that includes three paradigms of assessing the performance of translation, it can be addressed from the perspective of emotions, intuitions, and individual styles of the SL and the method of transfer into TL. The study hypothesized that translators create a similar emotional charge due to their mental capability to build the same emotional effect in the TL audience. The study also proposed that the applicability of cognitive appraisal is a valuable method of evaluating the translation process, as pertinent to TPR. The study involved two translations for (15) texts including horror situations, and applied three paradigms of cognitive appraisal as a model of analysis, according to the congruence - emotional effects, regulation of emotional - effects, and inference - of emotional effects, to achieve the objective of the research. The study concluded that translators of horror fiction created a sort of emotional effect in TL, but they may vary in the type of strategy adopted to transfer SL into TL.
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