Word-Formation Motivation of Diminutive Vocabulary in Russian and Arabic

Словообразовательная мотивация диминутивной лексики в русском и арабском языках


  • MA. Candidate Noora Abdul Karim Ministry of Agriculture
  • Prof.. Rahim Ali Al-Foadi Ph.D. Baghdad University, College of languages, Department of Russian, Baghdad, Iraq




word-formation motivation, diminutive vocabulary, Russian, Arabic, root and formant.


The question of word–formation motivation is one of the most urgent problems of morphological features of diminutive vocabulary in the languages of different structures, Arabic – Semitic and Russian - Slavic. The relevance of this question lies in the fact that the analysis of morphological elements of word-formation motivation plays an important role not only in identifying formal and semantic connections between different units of the same language, but also has an applied value in the comparative study of different languages. Taking in to account that word-formation motivation is usually considered sequentially in order to identify motivational relationships of this type of vocabulary, we will study motivation in comparative analysis on the material of diminutive vocabulary of different languages. We will analytically approach the important question of the practical application of translation basics in achieving translation adequacy.


Вопрос о словообразовательной мотивации является одной из актуальных проблем, связанных с морфологическими особенностями диминутивной лексики в разноструктурных языках: арабском – семитском и русском – славянском. Анализ морфологических элементов словообразовательной мотивации играет большую роль не только в выявлении формально-семантических связей между разными единицами одного языка, но и имеет прикладное значение при сравнительном изучении разных языков. Учитывая, что словообразовательная мотивация, как правило, изучается последовательно, в рамках данного исследования рассмотрим ее на основе сравнительного анализа диминутивной лексики разных языков в целях выявления мотивационных отношений данного типа лексики, а также предпримем попытку аналитического подхода к вопросу о практическом применении переводческих основ при достижении адекватности перевода. 

Author Biographies

  • MA. Candidate Noora Abdul Karim , Ministry of Agriculture

    Ministry of Agriculture, Baghdad, Iraq

    E-mail: [email protected]

  • Prof.. Rahim Ali Al-Foadi Ph.D., Baghdad University, College of languages, Department of Russian, Baghdad, Iraq

    Al-Foadi Raheem Ali - Doctor of Philology, a Professor of Russian Department at University of Baghdad. He was awarded a Master's degree in 2004. In 2008, he entered the postgraduate study at Yelets State University named after I.A. Bunin, where he defended his dissertation. After successful studies, he was awarded the PhD in Philology in Baghdad in 2010. He was awarded the title of a professor at the University of Baghdad in 2018. He has published over 57 scientific articles, three books, and various scientific articles in local, Arabic and international journals, including those included in scientific databases (Scopus, Thomson Reuters) - 17 scientific articles. Al-Foadi is a member of the editorial boards of two international journals. Email: [email protected]


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Department of Russian Language

How to Cite

Word-Formation Motivation of Diminutive Vocabulary in Russian and Arabic: Словообразовательная мотивация диминутивной лексики в русском и арабском языках . (2023). Journal of the College of Languages (JCL), 47, 220-235. https://doi.org/10.36586/jcl.2.2023.0.47.0220

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