Prologues of the Arabic Novels
Prologues, Arabic Novels, Global Novels, Prologues of Novels.Abstract
The prologue is the most important and complicated part of the narrative text because it is considered the clear face of the novel that drives the reader to approach the text.
The prologue is described as the bridge through which the reader initiates to move in slow or rapid steps. In this sense, a deal will be held between the receiver and the text in order to identify the form of reception and how to access to start the narrative imagination.
This study comes in the context of the critical interest and the scientific research of the world of the prologues of the Arabic narrative works and subject them to assessment and revision in the light of a scientific methodology, away from issuing random judgments and unscientific press description.
The present study includes three sections. The first one is concerned with the methodological frame, while the second one deals with the theoretical concepts. The third section is mainly devoted to analyzing some practical samples of the prologues of selected Arabic narrative texts.
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